Mesej Je : Tools for WhatsApp
Main features. • Click to chat without saving phone number to contact • Automatic reply chat • Add multiple temporary numbers without saving to contact • Build in WaWeb (use another personal number inside the same phone) • Click to send an image or file without saving the number to contact • And many more! 1. Mesej Je Provides a feature to direct chat without save to contact. Start a chat conversation without hassle. 1.1 Enter Wa number and text message (optional) and click the send icon 1.2 You will be directly chatting the number without save to contact 2. Multiple numbers Temporarily save multiple numbers as "Temporary" in contact. The temporary number will be deleted upon exiting this app. 2.1 Add multiple WA numbers and click the green icon to open the official app 2.2 On the official app, search "Temporary" to find all of the numbers entered 2.3 You can add those numbers to a group, or broadcast a list 2.4 The temporary numbers will be deleted when exiting Mes...